Buy Online! – The best way to buy!
(1) Definitions
(a) Customer/You: Person(s) details as set out on the order form.
(b) Good/ Item: Items ordered as set out on the order form.
(c) The Company, we, us, and the site: refers to handledesign and her parent company ArcWare Architectural Limited.
(d) Working day: Every day except weekends and bank holidays.
(e) Special order items: Goods not normally carried by handledesign, and are ordered in accordance with a customer request via the on line order form, or any other medium of contact.
(2) Conditions
(a) All orders through handledesign are subject to the terms and conditions set out below.
(b) All statuary rights are unaffected.
(a) We cannot guarantee that the appearance and/or colour of products exactly reproduce the appearance of the physical products themselves, and therefore goods may differ slightly.
(b) We cannot guarantee that goods purchased from us will exactly fit existing fittings of similar dimensions, and cannot accept responsibility for any differences, which may occur.
(4) Price and Payment
(a) Price of goods will be priced quoted at the date of order and will include VAT @ the standard rate.
(b) A delivery charge of £9.00 including VAT is applicable on orders on or under £75.00 including VAT, in addition to the cost of the goods. All charges are clearly displayed at the point of ordering. Orders over £75.00 including VAT will be delivered Free Of Charge.
(c) We reserve the right to increase prices before the date of delivery, to reflect any increase in cost incurred by ourselves, due to factors out of our control. The customer will be notified at this point and will be entitled to cancel the order.
(d) The customer is responsible for ensuring all details are correct when filling in the order form and all related fields.
(e) An order has not been accepted until we have received payment in full, after which you will receive confirmation of your order via e-mail and an approximate delivery date (see section 7).
(f) An order is deemed to be an offer by the customer to purchase goods from us and therefore legally binding and if misused in any way, the customer will be liable for any costs incurred.
(g) We have the right to refuse any order without explanation.
(h) All payments are secure using Stripe
(i) Payments can be made using all major Credit and Debit cards, and by placing the order you give us the right to debit the named account for the amount stipulated on the order form.
(j) Once full payment is received we will begin to process the order.
(k) The title of the goods will pass to the buyer upon receipt of payment in full.
(5) Delivery
(a) We are only able to deliver goods to the UK at the moment, but if there are items of special interest, please feel free to contact us where we can discuss your requirements.
(b) All goods will be delivered to the address detailed on the order form, unless other arrangements have been made, using a carrier nominated by handledesign.
(c) We aim to dispatch all goods within 3 working days by Parcelforce. Customers will be notified by e-mail of the dispatch of their goods. Please check your order immediately, and notify us of any errors.
(d) Delivery dates are, however approximate as we cannot accept liability for delays occurring beyond our control. If problems do arise then the customer will be notified and the customer has the right to cancel without obligation.
(e) The risk of loss or damage passes to the customer upon delivery of the item(s).
(f) Multiple order items will not be dispatched until all items are available. If a particular item is urgent we will endeavour, through our customer service team, to make special arrangements. An additional delivery charge may be applied and notified at the time of arrangement.
(g) You can cancel at any time prior to dispatch of your order by e-mailing our customer service team. If cancellation occurs after dispatch, a special order item or additional items outside of our usual stocking levels has been ordered and is awaiting dispatch then the customer will be liable for all delivery charges incurred by the company and, for certain special items, a re-stocking fee of 25% of the total order. Please note that for special order items the re-stocking fee may vary dependent on supplier terms; you will be notified of any charges incurred at the point of cancellation. Please note that charges applied are only those incurred by the company from our supplier.
(h) We endeavour to keep stock to provide a full service to our customers. If, however we do encounter an out of stock situation, and we cannot fulfil our commitment to you, then we will notify you within 48 hours.
(6) Return of goods
(a) You must inspect your goods immediately upon receipt of your order, to ensure your complete satisfaction. If you encounter any incorrect, defective, or missing pieces you must notify us within 48 hours of receipt of your order. Upon investigation, and liability is accepted by us we will offer to exchange the product(s) or a full refund will be offered, as long as the item(s) is returned in the original packaging with all manuals//instructions enclosed.
(b) Refunds will be paid within 30 days of receipt of the returned order, assuming that points covered in 8 (b) have been met.
(7) Guarantee
(a) We offer a full 12-month guarantee, but cannot accept liability for damage caused due to faulty fittings, or abuse of the item. Your statutory rights are unaffected.
(8) Limitation of liability
We cannot be held liable, where our performance and obligations, set out in the terms and conditions, are affected by:
(a) Act of God, explosion, flood, tempest, fire or accident.
(b) War or threats of war, sabotage, civil disturbance, or requisition.
(c) Acts, restorations, regulations, bye-laws, prohibitions, or restraints by Government or Local authority.
(d) Import or export regulations or embargoes.
(e) Strikes, lockouts or other industrial actions or trade disputes.
(f) Difficulties in obtaining raw materials, labour, fuel, parts or machinery.
(g) Power failure or breakdown in machinery.
(9) Intellectual property
(a) All materials contained in the website are under copyright and trademarks and brands therein belong to handledesign, ArcWare Architectural Limited, and related suppliers.
(b) Content within the website may be downloaded or copied for the use of non-commercial purposes. Any other than personal use is strictly prohibited without the prior agreement, in writing, from the company.
(10) Website
(a) We reserve the right to alter or discontinue any part of the website without notice or liability.
(b) We will attempt to ensure all information contained in this site in relation to pictures, finishes, and measurements are accurate, but any errors or unintentionally misleading information is purely unintentional and we cannot be held liable.
(c) Terms and conditions can be altered without prior notification, and are applicable at the date of order.
(d) Sites linked, too and from, handledesign are not under the control of the company and therefore we cannot accept any responsibility for their content, or matters arising from their use via a link from handledesign.
(e) Links serve to enhance your shopping experience and does not imply that we recommend any one company, or are endorsing their products.
(11) Privacy Policy
This privacy policy is applicable to this Site and not necessarily to other handledesign or ArcWare architectural sites on the World Wide Web pages. When leaving this Site, please read the privacy policy applicable to the site you are visiting. If you do not agree with this privacy policy, please do not use this Site.
By accessing and using this Site, you hereby agree to the terms of this privacy policy.
Non-personal information collected automatically.
ArcWare Architectural Limited is committed to the protection of the privacy of its web site visitors. Please note that we may provide aggregate statistics about our customers, sales, traffic patterns, and related site information to reputable third-parties, but these statistics will include no personally identifying information.
In order to respond to your questions, fulfil your requests or manage interactive customer programs, it may be necessary to ask for personal information such as your name, address, e-mail address and telephone number. We may use this information to respond to your requests, or to contact you via mail, e-mail or phone to inform you of new products, services or promotions we may offer. If you place an order for a product, request a service or submit content to this site, we may need to contact you for additional information required to process or fulfil your order and/or request. However, unless compelled by applicable legislation, we will not provide this information to a third party without your permission, except as necessary to process your order, fulfil your requests or manage interactive customer programs. You also hereby grant to ArcWare Architectural Limited the right to exchange any information provided by you between ArcWare Architectural Limited affiliates for the purposes mentioned before.
In addition to the personal information that you may provide us, this Site may use technology that lets us collect certain technical information like your Internet protocol address, your computer’s operating system, your browser type, traffic patterns and the address of any referring web sites.
Please note that while there are always risks associated with providing personal data, whether in person, by phone or over the Internet, and no system of technology is completely safe, “tamper” or “hacker-proof”, ArcWare Architectural Limited has endeavoured to take appropriate measures to prevent and minimize risks of unauthorized access to, improper use and the inaccuracy of your personal information. For example, we use encryption technology when collecting or transferring sensitive data such as credit card information.
ArcWare Architectural Limited will on its own initiative, or at your request, replenish, rectify or erase any incomplete, inaccurate or outdated personal data retained by ArcWare Architectural Limited in connection with the operation of this Site.
From time to time, information may be placed on your computer to allow us to identify you. This information is commonly known as “cookies”. By showing how and when our visitors use this Site, this information can help us to continue to improve our Site. We will only use cookies to view information on your hard drive that was put there by a cookie from this Site. The use of cookies is an industry standard and many web sites use them. Cookies are stored on your computer and not on this Site. If you do not wish to receive cookies, or want to be notified of when they are placed, you may set your web browser to do so, if your browser so permits.
No information may be submitted to ArcWare Architectural Limited by persons under the age of 18 without the consent of a parent or legal guardian, nor may persons under the age of 18 make purchases or other legal acts on this Site without such consent, unless permitted by applicable legislation.
We may change this privacy policy, or change, modify or withdraw access to this Site, or the content of these pages at any time with or without notice.
(12) Complaints and queries
(a) Any queries or complaints can be directed via e-mail or phone to our customer services team on +44(0) 1772 237277 between 9am – 5pm or All other correspondence should be directed to: ArcWare Architectural Limited, Unit 6, Matrix Point, Matrix Way, Buckshaw Village, Chorley, Lancashire, PR7 7ND
GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations)
This privacy policy is applicable to this Site and not necessarily to other handledesign or ArcWare architectural sites on the World Wide Web pages. When leaving this Site, please read the privacy policy applicable to the site you are visiting. If you do not agree with this privacy policy, please do not use this Site.
By accessing and using this Site, you hereby agree to the terms of this privacy policy.
Non-personal information collected automatically.
ArcWare Architectural Limited is committed to the protection of the privacy of its web site visitors. Please note that we may provide aggregate statistics about our customers, sales, traffic patterns, and related site information to reputable third-parties, but these statistics will include no personally identifying information.
In order to respond to your questions, fulfil your requests or manage interactive customer programs, it may be necessary to ask for personal information such as your name, address, e-mail address and telephone number. We may use this information to respond to your requests, or to contact you via mail, e-mail or phone to inform you of new products, services or promotions we may offer. If you place an order for a product, request a service or submit content to this site, we may need to contact you for additional information required to process or fulfil your order and/or request. However, unless compelled by applicable legislation, we will not provide this information to a third party without your permission, except as necessary to process your order, fulfil your requests or manage interactive customer programs. You also hereby grant to ArcWare Architectural Limited the right to exchange any information provided by you between ArcWare Architectural Limited affiliates for the purposes mentioned before.
In addition to the personal information that you may provide us, this Site may use technology that lets us collect certain technical information like your Internet protocol address, your computer’s operating system, your browser type, traffic patterns and the address of any referring web sites.
Please note that while there are always risks associated with providing personal data, whether in person, by phone or over the Internet, and no system of technology is completely safe, “tamper” or “hacker-proof”, ArcWare Architectural Limited has endeavoured to take appropriate measures to prevent and minimize risks of unauthorized access to, improper use and the inaccuracy of your personal information. For example, we use encryption technology when collecting or transferring sensitive data such as credit card information.
ArcWare Architectural Limited will on its own initiative, or at your request, replenish, rectify or erase any incomplete, inaccurate or outdated personal data retained by ArcWare Architectural Limited in connection with the operation of this Site.
From time to time, information may be placed on your computer to allow us to identify you. This information is commonly known as “cookies”. By showing how and when our visitors use this Site, this information can help us to continue to improve our Site. We will only use cookies to view information on your hard drive that was put there by a cookie from this Site. The use of cookies is an industry standard and many web sites use them. Cookies are stored on your computer and not on this Site. If you do not wish to receive cookies, or want to be notified of when they are placed, you may set your web browser to do so, if your browser so permits.
No information may be submitted to ArcWare Architectural Limited by persons under the age of 18 without the consent of a parent or legal guardian, nor may persons under the age of 18 make purchases or other legal acts on this Site without such consent, unless permitted by applicable legislation.
We may change this privacy policy, or change, modify or withdraw access to this Site, or the content of these pages at any time with or without notice.